
We are BACB ACE providers

The Authorised Continuing Education (ACE) program exists to make a wide array of continuing education (CE) events available to Behavior Analyst Certification Board® (BACB®) certificants. ACE providers have been authorised by the BACB to provide Learning CE events for BCBA and BCaBA certificants.


We offer CEUs to QABA Board certified behaviour analysts.

Established in 2012, the Qualified Applied Behavior Analysis Credentialing Board was established to meet the growing need for more credentialed professionals providing Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) services. QABA certificants are trained in all aspects of ABA with qualification in autism and related disorders. QABA now offers a 3-tiered credentialing model, offering certified providers across all levels of behavior analysis.


We offer CEUs to IBAO certified behaviour analysts

IBAO® has a diverse group of Behavior Analysts from more than 25 different countries on 5 continents around the world who make up the IBAO® Professional Advisory board.